Forum Discussion

eagle777's avatar
Jul 01, 2014

camping in CA motherlode

I have to change plans for a camping and fishing trip in two weeks to just a camping trip. I have checked a number of places in the Sonora, Twain Hart, Pinecrest area but thought I would ask if anyone has a recommendation for that area...thks
  • thks all for the info. decided on bear river as all the other lakes were either full or first come first served and for this trip wanted a reserved spot. still breaking in the camper so water and power will help this trip. I am a bass fisherman so sitting on the bank with a line in the water and a cooler of cold ones will be a nice change.
  • If you camp in California then invest in the Tom Stienstra book on California Camping. It is a terrific guide that is easy to use while traveling or for planning a trip. It is kept up to date and organized by region with its maps and campground information which makes it a lot more useful than any other campground guide.
  • spicer res
    hogan is low
    clarks fork
    alpine lake
    columbia state park
    only problem camping low now will be heat.
    we are now in Oregon, so awesome.
    Hume Lake still full of water, but no hook ups.
    bear river is just ok
    have fun
  • We love Don Pedro, Flemming meadows has full hookups if you need. We will be up there for the 4th with boat, water is low though.:(

    Another nice spot is Trummbull lake on the east side of the Sierras, have caught many fish there from shore.:)
  • East side of the Sierras Hwy 395 to Tom's Place up Rockcreek Rd. Go to the North Fork camp ground all the way to the back... Incredible!
  • Big Trees up Highway 4 is a good one -- some nice hikes ...

    Also, if you run East over that pass, and come back West over Hwy 108, you'll get some great sights, and lots of camping ... some good camping along the Carson River too, and along Hwy 395 ...

    You might check out Columbia too, Old West Town, restored. Not sure if camping there.
  • thks for the info from both of you, will probably leave the boat at the house and just go camping. never camped at pedro or melonies but fished both many times...thks
  • Boat or no boat? Beardsley fishes pretty well if you have a boat. But I haven't seen the water level this year with the drought.

    Have you camped close to home, Pedro or New Melones?
  • I suggest you look at the camping/fishing off of Hwy 108 (Sonora Pass). I just came back from two nights in the Niagra Campground. This was my first trip in that area (Hwy 108). There are several lakes off 108, and lots of camping sites. It is part of the Stanislaus National Forest.

    This link will give you some ideas as to what is available in the Stanislaus National Forest.