NRALIFR wrote:
Old-Biscuit wrote:
And that is why I personally do NOT give a hoot about a mfgs GVWR or payload number which is based off of that mfgs GVWR
Me too neither.
My old 2010 F450 had a GVWR of 14,500, making it technically a class 4.
My new 2016 F450 has the same axles, brakes, wheels, tires, suspension, etc. Basically the same truck as the 2010, except for the engine and Diesel after-treatment requirements. It’s GVWR is 14,000, which makes it a class 3.
They both haul(ed) my TC equally well, requiring the least amount of suspension mods (upper Stableloads) of any truck I’ve owned.
Lowering the GVWR of the 2016 was clearly for some reason other than what the truck can actually haul safely.
There is something that has changed since 2010. I feel that highway speeds have been steadily increasing. On newer trucks manufacturers may simply be facing the reality that the vehicles may be driven faster than before and cannot safely handle as much weight at the higher speeds.