Weight would be about the same for a 16 footer Vee nose just gives you some free space because the box is the 7x16 about 28 inches is free. In NY I got a price for under 10K with 12 inch centers, . and that is in NY, I think I could do better in the south or west, still investigating. I really think I could set this up for not more then 10K and have exactly what I would like it to be inside. That is a lot cheaper then the cheap small trailers and as I said I am not new to trailering and really do not need all the fancy features that the newbies need!! I can change a plug for an inverter and can use a window AC heating can be a diesel heater or a small wave heater, it is only a 16 foot box. A murphy bed frees up room during the day. I could do some good things on the walls and maybe a tin ceiling? There are some beautiful TT out there like the Lance 1475 but 40K to start is a bit much. I really like that "steampunk look" and at my age I really want to do something different. As far as where I would like to travel I never liked an RV park, kids, dogs, rules and $$$, my fun is at the BLM out west even Walmart and Crackerbarrel as we move on.