Kayteg1 wrote:
Lot of campgrounds with no hook ups do have water faucets placed in several spots.
When I camped with sons, I had them filling up solar heaters and then they could use "all the water they want".
Also solar heater hanging on the tree next to campfire is much more convenient than going inside RV to wash your hands.
Occasionally we filled up solar heater with lake water. You need some kind of bottle for that.
This past Summer and Fall, I traveled for 3 1/2 months and only used the hose a couple of times. Once was in Mesa Verde the last week the park was opened. The dump and fill hoses had been shut down but the bathrooms were still in operation. I could not fill a jug but I could use my hose and water thief to will the camper. The rest of the trip, I used a 5 gallon jug to keep the camper water topped off.
Also if there is lake water clean enough for a shower and no other source of water, I would jump in or heat a bit of water for a sponge bath.