Geewizard wrote:
I guess if you don't mind your chairs getting covered in road grime or dust or whatever, they'd be ok.
It's quite easy for us to just put the chairs inside the TC and pull them out first thing. Or put them in the back seat of the double cab.
Geewhiz, the last thing I want are chairs rattling on the back seat. I already use that area for my archery target, luggage and some other bulky items.
Putting them in the camper is also not acceptable. Next trip I will be driving several days and 2500 miles to my first destination. I want to be able to pull over, use the rest room, cook meals and even take a mid day nap. At night I do not want to put the chairs in a Walmart, truck stop or rest area parking lot. When I do reach my destination, I will be hiking and sight seeing most of the day and I will probably only use a chair maybe once a week.
Thanks, but chairs belong outside and the brackets make that easy.