jdrinkh2o wrote:
DutchmenSport wrote:

Watching TV is not one of our priorities, may not even put one in it, but thanks for the observation. Will keep that in mind. We liked the 2 chairs next to the couch for visiting with friends.
I understand, definitely! Everyone has different priorities.
Just a quick note about our camping style: we do use the television a lot in the camper. But we also spend a lot of time in the camper. We use the camper at home, more than we do camping on-the-road. We use it all winter in the drive way, enjoy it year round. We're also getting older now too, and just don't have the need to do all the "running" around any more like we use to when the kids were little. We've hiked, bicycled, canoed, horseback rode, done theme-amusement parks, sporting events, museums, swimming, go carts, movies, and you name it, we probably did it with the kids. Now, it's time to just relax. So we do. There again, everyone camps different, nothing right or wrong doing it any way which is meaningful to each person. I'm just trying to give an observation of the layout of the camper, depending upon what's important.
So, since you said think you'd really enjoy the back window open feeling, and you enjoy the "comfy" closeness for friends and company, and it's just the 2 of you, before settling on your first choice, I hope you can take a look at the Keystone Outback 298RE. It's a little bigger than your desired model, but for 2 people, the rear window, the dual slide living room, the space, the comfort, the open feeling, the windows all around, (and yes, the easy view of the television), and the television that can be lowered to expose the entire back window ... looking outward, instead of having the window to your back... I hope you can see one of these before you purchase. It truly is a good set-up for 2 people. Ours is the Outback 298RE and we absolutely love it! (Maybe that's why we hang out in it so much). :B

The above photo is from the Keystone Web site. Here's ours. We had the free-standing table and chairs. We removed them and the 2 rocker chairs and replaced it with a full size, real house, recliner couch. We never used the table, it was just a catch-all for everything imaginable. So, here's what she looks like now:

Maybe some daylight photos:
Original, before removing the table and chairs: