Use the clay bar on your TV and NOT on your RV.
Don't use automotive products on fiberglass! Automotive products are designed to work on PAINTED metal surfaces that have been covered by a protective HARD CLEAR COAT finish. Fiberglass is a soft colored plastic that is usually covered by a clear GEL COAT for protection and shine. Marine/RV products are specifically designed for GEL coat surfaces.
For normal waxing, I recommend Meguiar's No. 50 Cleaner Wax. This is a simple one step wax that will clean off light oxidation and minor scratches and protect and shine the GEL COAT. For heavier oxidation and stains, Meguiar's No. 44 Color Restorer followed by the cleaner wax.
For a really dull surface, Meguiar's Fiberglass Restoration System (a three bottle kit) contains a bottle of heavy duty oxidation remover, a bottle of high gloss polish, and a bottle of pure Carnauba blend wax.
LINK describes other specific Marine/RV products from Meguiar's.