Siletzspey wrote:
gbopp wrote:
This is the Process For Applying Zep.
Looking at some boat forums, it looks like Zep is highly regarded (!), but some users are saying at best it lasts 1-2 years more than wax, and then you're in for a bigger job to strip the old and apply the new. Frosting and peeling were two issues raised.
Still, I'm curious what others have experienced on campers. Re-waxing the sides is easy enough, but I'd love a longer lived roof coating.
I am on my 5th year with ZEP. No peeling, no yellowing, no signs of any deterioration. If I had to start over, I would strip the old finish with a couple washes with dilute ammonia. I would probably use a kitchen scrub pad to make sure all the old finish was removed. Then I would just reapply by wiping on coats with a rag dampened with ZEP. I expect to have to do that one of these days...maybe a few more years from now.
ZEP should work just fine for a fiberglass roof. It will even stick on top of caulk after the caulk has thoroughly dried.