Forum Discussion

Lennie1's avatar
Jul 15, 2013


Hello All,

Little problem, converter fan will not shut off. Plugged my trailer
in a few weeks ago, getting ready for some camping. The fan will not
stop. Have taken leads off both batteries, still going.,,,No a/c
or lights running. Have checked brake runaway cable, that is fine.

Buddy said to buy Multi meter?, no sure what that is.

Anyway 2008 Wilderness. Any help is appreciated.


  • So last night, left A/C on for about half hour, no difference.
    Converter still running.

    Then with both batteries hooked up, turned all power off at breaker in
    trailer, and converter fan still running. Does that mean batteries
    are done? Have not tryed Multi Meter yet..

    Trailer is 2008,,I think original batteries are in it.

    Once more, Thank you for your help.

  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I like DOWNTHEROADs theory. You need to measure the DC VOLTAGE of the batteries at the battery terminals when the converter is turned OFF.

    Use this CHART to determine the approximate state of charge of the battery.

    It could a battery cell has boiled-out its fluids and now failed. The converter is trying to get the battery back up to its full charge state and will constantly be working hard to do this...

    If the battery is reading below the 50% charge state and cannot be brought back to normal full charged state then internal destruction is probably already started and a new battery may need to be purchased.

    The converter will normally put out 13.6VDC to charge the battery. If the converter is using smart-mode charging technology then you may see as high as 14.4VDC feeding the battery.

    If the battery has a boiled-out cell then it will draw alot of current from the converter when being charged and will eventually blow fuses or make the converter go bad as well...

    Having a multimeter around is almost a must have test meter when working working with converters and batteries.

    This is what an inexpensive multimeter looks like...

    Knowing the model number of the converter/charger unit would be useful information as well.

    just some of my thoughts here...
    Roy Ken
  • Two thoughts...
    Your batteries are shot and not holding/accepting a charge so the converter is continually pumping a charge to them and needing to cool itself with the fan.


    Maybe the fan and converter is clogged with dust. Try opening it up and vacuuming the converter and fan.
  • the fan is to keep the converter from over heating, sounds like its doing its job.
  • Turn the AC on max and cool the inside of the camper and the fan will likely shut off
    It's cooling the converter transformer.
    Heat is not your friend in electronics :((
  • So the fan is running with no power going to it? If so I have nothing to offer. If you still have it plugged into 120VAC it is doing what it is supposed to do.