Apr-24-2018 02:24 PM
Apr-27-2018 05:54 AM
Apr-26-2018 07:35 PM
Apr-26-2018 06:42 PM
Hap Hazard wrote:
Ok, so I know this question isn’t actually a T/H question but it isn’t a motorhome question either.
I need to know of an exact equivalent to the Motorcraft VC-3-DILB engine coolant. This is for a 2012 Ford 6.7L engine. It seems that few (if any manufactures) list specs on the back of their containers anymore. Most just show For: GMC, Chrysler, Toyota, or Honda etc. None show them for Ford or their coolant specs.............
Apr-26-2018 02:37 PM
Apr-26-2018 10:18 AM
Flashman wrote:
Is this just a Ford thing or other diesels as picky?
Apr-26-2018 08:59 AM
Apr-25-2018 09:32 PM
Apr-25-2018 10:36 AM
Lynnmor wrote:ACZL wrote:
I asked our semi shop super a similar question on anti-freeze cuz my truck says it requires "X" type and all we have is "Y" type. He said he wasn't going to stock 2 different kinds of anti-freeze, so if I need any, I'm to use "Y" type. His theory is antifreeze is anti freeze regardless of color. If on the road and you need some, you use whatever you can get. Not that this helps OP any.
You talked to an idiot! Never mix coolant types.
The 6.7 requires orange coolant, Ford and DexCool are the same. Look in your owners manual for the proper specifications,.
Apr-25-2018 08:30 AM
arhayes wrote:
Another suggesting to stick with the Motocraft spec coolant. I read an engineering explanation piece a friend shared with me a couple of years ago that explained how different this coolant spec is....and how critical that it not be mixed with non spec coolants. With two cooling systems involved in the 6.7L, you definitely don't want to do anything to encourage early failure.
Apr-25-2018 07:06 AM
Apr-25-2018 06:34 AM
Apr-25-2018 01:00 AM
ACZL wrote:
I asked our semi shop super a similar question on anti-freeze cuz my truck says it requires "X" type and all we have is "Y" type. He said he wasn't going to stock 2 different kinds of anti-freeze, so if I need any, I'm to use "Y" type. His theory is antifreeze is anti freeze regardless of color. If on the road and you need some, you use whatever you can get. Not that this helps OP any.
Apr-24-2018 10:33 PM
Apr-24-2018 09:09 PM
FishOnOne wrote:
You can use the Prestone Dexcool.
I changed my radiator fluid a couple of months ago by flushing/draining with distill water 3 times which produced clear water draining out of the radiator. I choose to use the Motorcraft Orange coolant.
Primary Radiator: 15 quarts of coolant and top off with distilled water will give you ~ 50/50 mix.
Secondary Radiator: 6 quarts of coolant and top off with distilled water will give you ~50/50 mix.
The Power Strokes really haven't had excessive type of radiator fluids but changes were to take advantage of new technology.
7.3 PSD: Green with an additional additive
6.0/6.4PSD: Gold
6.7PSD: Orange