Wow, it has been a heck of a year with a roller coaster ride mostly down hill with a few swings. Definitely not a year I wish upon any one. Just haven't felt like writing a report on the couple of trips I've made, but the Christmas spirit may be helping just a bit.
Back in May, the Kohl's met up at Cosby, TN for a break during an upswing of the coaster ride. Weather didn't seem like it was going to be the best, but camping in bad weather is better than not camping at all.
But during a break, we went after a geocache with a very interesting discovery. Without the cache we never would have found these old buildings dating back to 1843.
For lunch, we stopped and watched a group of rafter going down the Pigeon River. 50 degrees and rain didn't seem like the idea time to try this. But after Linda did some talking, we found out it was the people making the necessary number of trips down to qualify for being a guide.
Instead of getting back on the interstate, we decided to take one of the most curvy and narrow roads in the area (would you expect anything less of me?) Of course, back roads bring rewards.
Some more geocaches led us to a couple of old cemeteries. Found out that part of the deal with the land being turned over to the NP was that access to the cemeteries had to remain.
Gilliland Cemetery
This was the "worse" (I call it fun) to get to, definitely not something you could do in a motorhome or trailer.
Finally, setup at camp with the whole gang. Front left is ours, back middle is kohldadsr and last to arrive on right was gointhisaway.
The others went for a walk so Linda and I decided to do the same. We decided to take the short easy Cosby Nature Trail Loop.
Next day there was a little festival open to the public for free. Has some arts and crafts.
Finally it was time to move on. We all still had another day of vacation, so we caravanned over towards my daughters house between Kodak and Knoxville. I was in the lead and thought I had missed a turn so took the next right. Should have seen the look on the locals faces when the three TCs, each getting bigger, rolled by their yards on that curvy one lane road.
Of course, we hit Sevierville at lunch time which meant a stop at
Applewood Restaurant.
At my daughter's house, my SIL showed us some birds he saved. He didn't notice the nest until he took the dead tree down. So he did the best he could by hanging the section with the nest up in the closest tree. Seemed like it was working as mother and babies were doing fine.
As always, more photos of the trip available on my homepage under 2014 Cosby.
That's all for now. See y'all later.
2015 Ram 3500 4x4 Crew Cab SRW 6.4 Hemi LB 3.73 (12.4 hand calc avg mpg after 92,000 miles with camper)
2004 Lance 815 (prev: 2004 FW 35'; 1994 TT 30'; Tents)