Hybridhunter wrote:
Wow - come one come all knuckle draggers....
Knowledge is power, whether you care of not, it is useful to know. But on this site, rampant over-buying, and over-spending, in the absence of reason is just how a disproportionate number of people on this site roll. That's why every other thread is about "buying more truck than you need", or buying a diesel.
And if you don't know what you don't know, then it's easier to say "I don't care" than to figure it out.
The folks in this thread are the types that reject information for anecdotes.....
I agree with you to an extent, regarding this forum, but the cost of ownership was something I was always super concerned about when a single vehicle made up a significant portion of my net worth......and I still am, because that's how part of my net worth has grown. By not making blind, uninformed purchases.
Some work out Better than others.
My target used to be <$.10 / mile for depreciation/interest costs and I managed that by buying and selling newer used vehicles frequently.
The equality of pricing across the board now thanks to the Internet has made that impossible to do without doing it the old fashioned way (by driving a vehicle til the wheels fall off).
Currently, our 2 primary personal vehicles are at about 5and 10 cents per mile straight depreciation not accounting for inflation.
While all the other costs can be figured in and controlled to an extent, all vehicles need fuel, maintenance, repairs, and insurance so I call those a wash.
But it's all in a persons priorities. Some buy a new car regularly without regard to what it's costing them (within reason). I try to squeeze every penny out of a vehicle, but I'm ok with a 450 hp commuter car that averages only 15mpg!