Bill & Kate wrote:
Do a search on here and you will get dozens of threads - some (like us) love them, others don't. A lot depends on how you use your trailer, and where you keep it and what kind of tree dirt, etc. can get on it. We use our trailer for longer vacations and trips like 4 times a year, usually with several months between trips. We love how clean and shiny and ready to go the trailer is when the cover comes off. It also helps keep wasps and other flying critters from taking up residence. I would advise going with a cover made of Sunbrella brand woven fabric rather than the non-woven Tyvec type material. It is nice and soft, light, and holds up well in sunlight. We have a custom made cover from CalMark which fits like a glove, but there are others using Sunbrella .....
yup, pretty much personal preference. We use one, love it, keeps the trailer nice looking. It's easy to see which trailers in our community RV lot are covered. They are the ones that have nice white plastic, few/no black streaks, no delamination, no
faded/crinkled graphics.
And in the summer, the trailer interior is MUCH cooler. the cover reflects suns rays and the top/sides stay cooler. Keeps the interior from baking.
However, we seldom get wind. That can destroy a cover in short order. But we get LOTS of rain.
And personally I'd avoid any of the "blue" tarps. Why? well primarily since they don't breath. they will trap moisture. Secondly, they are more abrasive than a RV cover.
We use the trailer 60-90 days/year, anytime it won't be used for more than a few weeks the cover goes on. First cover was an Adco, lasted 4 years, probably could have got another year out of it. New one is a different brand made with ripstop material, much lighter and more compact to pack/carry/install. We'll see how it holds up.