Forum Discussion

LaunchnRetrieve's avatar
Oct 10, 2015

Cover, yes or no?

I was just about to get a cover for my trailer, then I thought about my storage situation.
I have the campground put it in storage and bring it to my campsite so it's waiting for me when I arrive.
1. At low speeds, probably up to 30 mph, more like 10 to 15, will the cover tolerate travel, a couple of miles each way?
2. How easily do the covers tear? If they put it into and remove it from the campsite (not always the same place) I picture snags from low branches.
3. Sounds like I might have to give up the luxury of them moving the trailer in and out in order to keep it covered when I'm not there and avoid possible snags and tears coming and going from storage.
Just thinking out loud.
Your thoughts?
Oh and if I do get a cover what do I want? What brand? What material? What warranty? A mix of weather from blazing hot to below freezing to dry to heavy rain and heavy winds. Small periods of each.