Forum Discussion

nephi007's avatar
Aug 17, 2017

covering the trailer

what would be the step by step by step procedure for placing an rv cover on a 26 foot trailer? Do I pull it over trailer from the side or the front? I really don't want to get up on the roof for too long if possible. maybe some of you know a trick or two you can relate. I may need to do this without help. Please advise. thanks!
  • hey everbody great advise all around. Yup it's gonna be a one man job and your help will make it doable. Thanks!
  • I lay mine out on the driveway and fold everything towards the middle. Then, using short pieces of rope, I tie sections together (think sausage). I secure a long rope on the "back end" on the cover and pull it up onto the roof. Untie the short ropes to release the package. Spread the sides out, secure the straps and I'm done. A one man job.
  • By ground, I am thinking of grass or paved driveway, etc., not dirt.
  • 2Macs wrote:
    If you are talking about a regular RV cover, then set it up on the ground by laying it out with the all the zippers and straps showing.

    As one who has owned 3 covers over 10 yrs on 3 different trailers I'd say laying any cover on the ground is a terrible idea as it will only pick up grit and dirt. :( Just roll the rolled up cover ahead of you as you climb a ladder to the roof, then unfurl it on the roof.
  • If you are talking about a regular RV cover, then set it up on the ground by laying it out with the all the zippers and straps showing. Start folding each side of the cover along the long side in towards the middle of the cover (about 2-3 feet for each fold). When you reach the middle of the cover for each folded side, fold one side over the other. Now, fold each end toward the middle (again 2-3 feet for each fold). When you finish, you should have a bundle all folded to the middle.

    To put the cover on your RV, carry it to the roof and place it in the middle of the roof (Remember which end of the cover is on top and point it in the right directions. Having to turn it around after unfolding is a royal pain.) Unfold the cover to the back and front of the RV, then unfold to each side and drop it over the side (Check to make sure the zippers end up on the entry door side)
    Finish tying down the cover and you are done. Tie the cover down well so it will not flop around in the wind and wear on the RV.

    An additional suggestion, if you live in a climate with significant rain or snow, go to your local Dollar Tree or equivalent store and purchase 3 or 4 cheap laundry baskets (the rectangular type). As you are preparing to put the cover on, lay the laundry baskets wrong side up and length wise down the RV.
    This will give you a tent effect to allow the rain and snow to drain off the roof and keep the cover fairly clean.

    Trying to put the cover on from the ground is a major effort and a real pain in the rear. (I learned this from experience.) If your start from the roof of the RV, it will go alot easier.
  • If you haven't purchased it yet just buy a Sunshield tarp and cover the roof and whatever hands over the sides, front and back. Relatively easy to put on and take off and store. The Sunshield tarp has a black side and a silver side. Black side up in the winter.
    For more info search this Forum for Sunshield.