None of us know the whole story on this. It's easy to jump to the "over moderation" conclusion, but the fact is that until yesterday, the maximum image size per the picture posting FAQ on the " Forum Technical Support" area was 640x480. You need to remember that there's a "Notify Moderator" link on every post. What would you do if you were the moderator and you got a complaint about a post that was clearly breaking a forum rule? That's what I think happened. It's a dam shame it happened too, as that trip report was beautiful. I've never spoken to Dave or exchanged PM's with him, so I have no inside information.
Another thing that must have made this issue especially difficult is that the rule was being enforced inconsistently. Heck, almost every picture I've posted on my garage-build thread has broken the max size limit. I can only assume that nobody ever complained. Truth is, the ones that would complain I probably hacked off long ago and they blocked me. :B
After learning of this I started a topic on the "Forum Technical Support" page asking if the mod's and admin would consider changing the max image size to 800x600. I haven't taken the time to count up all the "for" and against" replies it got, but my impression is that they were overwhelmingly against it. Adamantly, passionately, unequivocally against it. There was some mention of 800x600 being an unwritten rule", but as we all know, unwritten rules aren't rules. I was ready to give it up because it appeared the opposition was just insurmountable. I didn't check back for a while, but when I did the topic was closed. After reading Pulsar's last post a couple of times I finally realized that they had decided to revise the FAQ to reflect what had been "unwritten".
So now, the RECOMMENDED image size is 640x480, the MAXIMUM image size is 800x600 which seems reasonable.
I am as saddened by Dave's leaving as anyone, and hope that he might choose to rejoin us. But, don't jump to conclusions. It serves no purpose other than to inflame emotions. I think this was a difficult experience for everyone involved.