minnow wrote:
FireGuard wrote:
I'm surprised about the tax. Pretty easy to figure your tax rate and simple multiplication to get the amount.
Sounds like a South African E Bay deal where they refund the excess tax.
They said they go by a sales tax web site and that told them to collect 7%. My state sales tax is 5% or $300 which ever is lower. So in my case it was $300. They had no problem refiguring it once I brought it to their attention. But with all the out of state deals they do there, I would of thought they would have had the correct information. They may of been correct about the state issuing a refund but I'm not convinced any gov't entity willingly and quickly refunds overpayments.
Boy, I would LOVE to pay $300 in tax. Even 5%.
I paid over $4500 just for sales tax on my truck.
Although, we have a multi billion dollar Bullet Train to places no one wants to go, to pay for.