Forum Discussion

deppeler's avatar
May 20, 2015

Dewinterizing for the first time


This is my first de-winterize. It was winterized at the dealer when I bought it using the RV anti freeze. It is a 2015 Kodiak 241RBSL 27' TT.
Here is what I have written out, does this look okay and about cover it?
It includes removing the anti freeze, checking for leaks and flushing the HW heater. It assumes that I have a sewer connection to dump my waste.
Check water pump to see if all connections are tight.
Check under kitchen sink, etc. for tight connections.
Hook up your water hose and fill your fresh water tank (just half full should do, enough to run water clear).
Attach sewer hose
Open your grey water drain valve, leave open to drain out continuously.
Run your water pump.
Starting with the faucet closest to the water pump open each cold faucet slowly one at a time, plus inside/outside shower and flush toilet.
Run each until the water runs clear.
Your fixtures may sputter as air is removed from the lines.
Check for leaks as you go.
Turn off the pump, close all the faucets and make sure the pump shuts off.
Listen to make sure the pump doesn’t come back on – if it does, this may indicate a leak somewhere in your system.

*This step does not flush the HW heater*
-Screw the drain plug back into the water heater tank.
-Turn the HW heater off bypass.
-Turn on water pump.
-Turn on HOT faucet, when you get a steady flow of water the tank is full, can take up to 3-5 minutes to fill.
-Turn off the water pump
*This step DOES flush HW heater at the same time*
-Turn the HW heater off bypass.
-Turn on water pump
-Let the water flush out HW heater
-Turn off the water pump
-Screw the drain plug back into the water heater tank.

~This next step re-introduces the air gap in HW heater tank~
Open HOT faucet closest to the HW heater
Pull relief valve till water stops, snap it shut
Turn off HOT faucet
Connect the water hose to the city water hookup.
Again, Check water pump to see if all connections are tight.
Again, Check under kitchen sink, etc. for tight connections.
Turn on faucets, shower and flush.
Fill sinks just to check it's all working and no leaks (P traps, etc.).
Run HOT faucet to check HW tank is full
Turn on HW heater
Test HW Electric (requires 120v)
Test HW Propane
Close grey tank valve
Open you black tank valve drain and close.
Open your grey water drain valve, leave open to drain out continuously.

Sterilize your fresh water system.
Take a quarter cup of house hold bleach for every fifteen gallons of water that your fresh water tank holds.
Mix the bleach, with water, into a one-gallon container and pour it into the fresh water holding tank.
Fill the fresh water tank almost completely full of water. The water in the tank will sanitize the tank.
Turn the water pump on, open all hot (the water will pass through the pump and go into the HW tank) and cold faucets and run the water until you smell the bleach at each faucet. Close the faucets.
When you open a cold water faucet this bleach mixture will pass through the pump and through the cold water pipes to the faucet.
Let it sit for at least 12 hours. Letting it stand will sanitize these.
Drain the entire system again and re-fill the fresh water tank with potable water.
Open all of the faucets and run the water until you no longer smell any bleach.
It may be necessary to repeat this process again to eliminate all signs of bleach from the water system.
Either refill the fresh water tank or drain if not needed.
Close your grey water valve


  • Thanks all for the comments I appreciate it, at least I was on the right track.
  • Yep, it sound complicated but it is not too hard.

    I hooked up the fresh water hose, made sure the hot water heater was bypassed, then opened each faucet both hot and cold until it ran clear. When the pink stuff was gone, I shut the faucet and checked under the sink for drips. I repeated for the bath and the tub.

    I added water to the fresh water tank and duplicated the process with the pump. The pump held its pressure, again indicating no plumbing leaks.

    Then with the hose reconnected and the pump off, I flushed some water though the hot water heater, screwed in the drain plug and filled the hot water heater with one of the hot water taps open.

    I will admit I was in a hurry so I did not flush the hot water line as well as I should have so I could taste just a trace of the anti-freeze.
  • You've got it! You'll hear a lot of arguments for and against sanitizing the fresh water tank. I always have. It doesn't take long except for letting it sit full for a while and gives me peace of mind.
  • good list, and I do sanitize my tanks , I also drain my tanks when the rv sits for more than two weeks. makes me feel better.
  • Sounds like a lot of steps, but you've got it! To shorten the story, just plug in your city water, or fill your fresh water tank and turn on the water, every faucet, toilet, shower, hot and cold, and run till you see no pink and no foaming of the clear water any more. Turn water heater by-pass back on and fill. You're good to go.

    No need to do an extensive flush on the water heater unless you want to or you suspect "pink stuff" is in the tank.

    Good luck and hope you have a happy summer camping!

    FYI, I've never 'sanitized' my fresh water tanks on 3 different trailers in over 12 years now. No problem with my tanks or lines. However, if it makes you feel better ...... :B (no harm done)