Kayteg1 wrote:
That makes the installation against TL manuals.
TL tie-downs are weak link in the system and they are first to bend, when reversing the inserts will put more stress on them.
I am afraid that will void warranty and that is why TL is not answering the questions.
https://youtu.be/3MnQKY3cxrY?t=147Heres Torklifts video install on 2017..at 2:27 show insert-plate pointing forward...
(manual same as NRALIFR uploaded showing insert mounting
http://www.towshop.com/F2021-torklift-camper-tie-downs.pdfYou can ignore the rest of this post EDIT
Sorry believe your Wrong- Unless you interpreted "the short side" as meaning horizontal length instead of vertical, which is what they intended, the short vertical "height" end points to front, like pictures show. Not sure where you got info...
Unless something specific on your application/install precludes mounting like most-If you currently have them pointing towards rear flipping them to point forward would give you 6-8" of more angle at bottom. IF indeed your manual states otherwise I would really like to see a copy. Otherwise youve already mounted contrary to whats specified.
As far as stress,
Because both ends of tiedown are free to rotate, the greater the angle between the more the angle itself will lessen vertical load. Probably not being clear on that. Its just a lever. If your standing directly at end of a rod pulling on load, how ever much you can pull your end toward you the other end will move that much. If you stand off to the side, however much you pull the distance at other end end will be less, or at least the force, as some will be absorbed by the rod & load trying to match angle. That made even less sense and I wrote it
Oh well-I know what I meant
Theres some rotational force being applied to the insert-extending it 4" as suggested.. :I dunno be the last thing I'd try to save 30 seconds at the pump.. If your bending inserts cant imagine what its doing to camper- bottom line to tight
But have to ask -if your conclusion is pointing them forward would increase stress then why did you ask TL if ok to do? My assumption to T/L not responding is they 'heard' you asking to do what you had already don, departing from norm and mounting so that tiedown more vertical.. not that you had already mounted backwards and if ok to mount as intended. Which would be my conclusion if asked to depart from instructions, not realizing you had already mounted 180° off.