time2roll wrote:
ShinerBock wrote:
Yeah, but that chip you used on your truck increased your stock power which also increased your emissions greater than stock which makes you no different than diesel brothers.
Banks certified emissions legal, diesel brothers is not certified.
Seems like a big difference to me.
Banks quick spool is a turbo modification so why would the EPA certification number be affixed to the "rad cross member"? There is also no EPA certification for this part on the Bank's website or the 5" straight exhaust. He has also mentioned here and other forums that his truck is programmed or has a piggyback chip. It is hard to tell which because he differs in his terminology depending on which forum he is on. Either one for these would definitely put him over stock power levels and is essentially the same thing that the diesel brothers are doing.
That is the drawback of using a unique name in every forum you belong to because people can look up your past posts with ease by Googling "sidecarflip tuner/chip/programmer". I can say that him and I would likely get along in the gun forums because it appears that we like the same type of guns.
The sticker he is likely referring to is the OE sticker put on at the factory which has nothing to do with aftermarket mods put on after it left the factory. The 5" straight exhaust he has might have eliminated the oxidation catalyst as well depending on which state the truck originated from.