B.O. Plenty wrote:
I once bought a fish locator from Wal Mart. I took it home and opened the box and found it had been used and returned. I immediately brought it back 15 minutes later. I was told that I had switched locators with one I had and they wouldn't take it back. Treated like a crook by the Store Assistant Manager. This was a brand new model that had just come out. I had to go back the next day and plead with the Store Manager to get a refund. Once again I was treated the same way..He told me WalMart doesn't take items back and reseal the package..Finally got a refund but had to wait for them to mail it to me because I had used a check. That was the last time I ever allowed some idiot "Manager" to ever see a dollar of mine in a WalMart store. I hate WalMart.
Not to defend WM, there is plenty to hate about them, but their return policy is among the most liberal. This is the same problem I had with the shop vac at Home Depot...put yourself in the manager's shoes, he's supposed to believe it's not you ripping him off, it was the guy before you?
I was in Lowe's just Sunday morning and a woman comes in carrying a coffee maker box and a garbage bag. I was waiting at the return desk for help on another matter, so I hear the whole conversation. The lady takes a coffee maker out of the garbage bag and says "I bought this 3 weeks ago and I am just not happy with it. I would like to exchange it for another brand.". The answer? "No problem ma'am!"
So they lady gets her refund and leaves, and the refund clerk turns to the supervisor and says "What do I do with this?" The answer was: "Repack it back in the box so we can restock it."
Obviously the lady was not a crook, but the store should not be taking returns on stuff if they cannot ship it back RTV (return to vendor). Yes the crooks are a problem, but I also blame poorly trained store clerks that don't know what they are doing. I am hoping the coffee maker in question is set out on the discount table and not re-inventoried as new stock and sold to some unsuspecting customer who is thinking they are buying a new item.