Andyo wrote:
I have an 800-1200 lb Husky round bar hitch. The holes in the bottom have oblonged allowing the bars to fall out on sharp turns. I found a replacement head identical to the one I have for less than $100. Would it be ok to replace the head and use my current bars which do have some minor wear, or get a new trunnion system for $300. Looking for opinions.
Those holes are keyed so the spring bars in normal operating position
can't fall out ... since yours do that's a sure indication of severe head wear. You say your bars have only "minor wear" but it's obvious they are what
caused the problem so if it were mine I'd replace the entire system with a trunnion bar version and also gain the additional advantage of greater ground clearance compared to a round bar system. Either that or use this as an opportunity to invest in a system such as an Equal-i-zer or Blue Ox Sway Pro that doesn't require the use of a separate stand alone friction sway bar. FWIW, I myself run a Reese trunnion bar system on our current trailer with no indications of unusual wear at all. ;)