Bob B wrote:
HMS Beagle wrote:
I own a wheel scale, bought it off of eBay, and it wasn't all that expensive. If you are headed for the dealer, stop at a rental yard and rent a wheel scale for the day. Tell the salesman you will pay him $5 less for each pound over the sticker the camper is - that ought to scare the hell out of him!
I never thought of renting a wheel scale....It seems like the weight on each wheel whould be the most valuable information.
I think I paid about $250 for a single wheel scale, claimed accuracy is +/- 1% of applied load. To use it properly, you need to make a block the same height to put under the opposite tire. To be really, really correct, you should have the other axle at the same height, though the error will be very small.
It looks like this but don't buy that one! Keep looking, you can find one in good condition for less.