Forum Discussion

Whitehall's avatar
Aug 26, 2015

Do you like towing?

We're picking up our new Snow River 245RKS next week. My only previous TT towing experience is with a rental hybrid trailer, and a rental tent trailer. I have a lot of towing experience with a pilot house fishing boat weighing about 7,500 # total.

Being a rental, the hybrid didn't have a WDH and it wasn't really balanced well with my truck at the time, a 2006 Dodge 1500. Didn't brake well and was kind of a pain to tow, especially down CA SR 20 into Fort Bragg. I like towing my boat most of the time, although the surge brakes can be annoying and vertical changes in the pavement such as bridges can be jarring. The F-350 handles it, though, and I really don't miss towing with the Ram 1500.

I can get in the groove and just cruise along at about 62 mph, except I-5 where the pavement is busted up and I watch the bouncy boat in the mirror give the torsion axles a workout. Curvy roads don't bother me too much, as long as they have enough radius and width. The small fuel tank on the F350 SB is in sync with my coffee drinking habit, so we stop every two hours, at least.

At nearly 12' high and about as long as the TT, the boat has gotten me pretty well accustomed to turning wide and looking up. About the only thing I'm not looking forward to is traffic and SoCal drivers when we head that direction. Oh, and the Stockton area on I-5. The whole thing. People drive even worse there than LA.

How about you? Anything that you dread, towing-wise? Do you get in the zone and rack up the miles?