Grit dog wrote:
^ Well that’s good to hear and appears that you are making a much more informed decision than I had assumed.
If you’re comfortable with the mechanical condition, then that’s the most important part of the equation.
Good luck if you purchase it.
Thanks for your input.
I am not sure If I will buy it because I am perfectionist and I know it is a 20 year truck but I want my truck without rust and perforation. I will use this truck mostly for a truck camper. Like you said previously, I could spend major bucks for the body work and probably later on for the drivetrain. It will be a sunken cost.
My final question is: even with a perfect body, is a 3500 2x4 V10 dually of that year worth about $ 10000 CAD or $ 7500 USD ?
I guess if the engine was a Cummins, then the answer would be YES ?
Thanks Again,