Nov-18-2017 02:34 AM
Dec-05-2017 03:01 PM
Dec-04-2017 11:00 PM
Dec-04-2017 04:16 PM
I tried posting one pic and it im not sure it came through but yep that at least for this truck was the fix , new keys and the bubble on the level stays center with the level centered on the hood , even from the ground up as well from the top of the tire and it’s all even as can be. Funny thing is the used stock keys I took off didn’t look damaged or off any in shape or form so god only knows what the issue could have been but not asking questions now just rackin up more miles ....
Dec-03-2017 09:30 PM
Dec-03-2017 09:27 PM
Dec-03-2017 04:57 PM
So I’ve found the issue , the keys that were in the truck ones put in after the leveling keys were removed were stock but used and had to have been worn as some of you posted hardly “it’s just the way they sit just as the brand new ones on the lots” couldn’t be further from the truth. So if you have one that’s leaning I would start by ordering set on stock keys from GM parts direct think they were 29 bucks and I replaced the bump stop as well cuz I was down there .... swapped out the keys and stops and reloaded the bolts and the truck couldn’t sit more level and the bolts are at even turns so this is the cheapest way to trouble shoot it if you run into or for if you that said there’s was leaning try. Changing out the keys and go from there good luck and thanks for the responses
Dec-03-2017 09:37 AM
Nov-27-2017 05:38 PM
Nov-22-2017 11:19 AM
Nov-21-2017 04:58 PM
Nov-21-2017 04:04 PM
Nov-21-2017 08:51 AM
Nov-21-2017 07:58 AM
Nov-19-2017 05:09 PM