I also posted about the very same thing recently.
Just this week we downsized from a 39' 5th wheel to a 26' travel trailer. I cannot believe how much stuff we accumulated after upsizing over and over. I counted 8 cookbooks, 7 flyswatters, dinner service for 16, 8 lawn chairs and 10 puzzles, 5 decks of cards, a partridge in a pear tree, etc.? What the? It was enjoyable to sift through that pile and carefully choose only what we needed in the new camper.
"The Ark" now contains two of everything, but with exception of 4 of a few items in the case where we have guests. It feels fresh, clean and roomier than the 5th wheel. And now looking forward to going places the other one couldn't go.
Agreed, your new camper sure is purty!