irishtom29 wrote:
My Florida 4x4 "action" is taking my truck out on the beach, 4 wheel drive being mandatory on the beaches in southern St. Johns County. IMO sitting out on the beach beats the Hell out of ripping around deserts or mudholes.
As for Ram trucks, I couldn't own one simply because of the douchebag name--"Ram"; that is such a pathetic and transparent play to appeal to yahoos with backwards baseball caps. I could'a bought a Dodge but not a Ram. And the Ram super duties are evidently made in Mexico; I prefer a Ford or GM made in the United States over a, let's face it, Fiat made in Mexico. Now I wouldn't mind a little Fiat sedan made in Mexico but a bigass truck? No siree Bob.
C.Schomer; there you have it. Your question has been answered. You eliminated the GM trucks, and you certainly don't want to be seen in a Fiat made in Mexico, especially if you prefer to properly wear your hat. Looks like it's a 6.2 Ford for you. On to the next decision..