I agree with those who recommend waiting it out. I had to do a conversion to Kilometers per hr (60 mph = 96 kph) to be sure. Having seen semi trailers blown across the tundra on the Dempster Highway, I take this topic seriously.
There are a lot of factors to consider such as terrain, type of highway, type and volume of traffic, and to some extent your schedule.
For me gusting to 60 is right on the cusp of go no go. If you are unsure and asking those on this board that should tell you something as well. Wait this one out. Also a thought might be to get a small wind speed indicator that may help you to decide....you may find your particular rig is fine at gusts of 40 or 50 and become accustomed to travelling in those conditions.
Being able to keep the speed down is critical to control.
Just my thoughts.