Photomike wrote:
Around here the winds are a steady thing most times of the year, like others have said if you can wait it out.
If you have the option try to drive in the morning or evening or even at night as they tend to lessen then.
If you have to drive in winds drop your speed down, pull over often to let faster traffic pass and take rest stops to let your nerves calm down. I will actually take more back roads so I can really drop my speed down.
Things to be careful of is if you have a cross wind and a vehicle is passing you. If that vehicle is bigger than you be careful that you do not get sucked into the other lane. If you are bigger be aware that someone may get sucked into your lane and be prepared to react. Same goes for being in open areas, passing a row of trees or buildings can cause you to suddenly be traveling side ways either off the road or into the next lane.
Another thing to be careful at is big cuts where you are going through with big banks as wind direction well switch when you enter the cut as wind goes over the top on one cut and then comes down the other bank towards you from the opposite direction from before.
One thing I have noticed is everybody is saying to pull over and wait it out as it only lasts for a few hours, Well right now we are getting winds in the 25 to 30MPH and it has been going on for about 2 days already and is expected to last another 2 days. Other places here are getting sustained winds of over 40MPH and it is going to continue also. Everything is really screwy this year. Even though this is only my 3rd winter here in the past 2 it was not like this and to think I left Montana to get away from all the cold and snow and wind. Cold for a number of days and then go up for a day or two and then right back down.