travelnutz wrote:
I use 2 group 31 batteries 12 volt batteries as the Lance battery space has another of the same batteries. This gives 3 large batteries having 125 amps woth 225 minites of reserve power from full charge capability. Total of 375 amps and 675 minutes for the 3 batteries. Using 12 volt batteries I can have 3 but if 6 volt batteries were used I could only have 2 batteries as I need to have 12 volts output.
The 2 external batteries are coupled to the 1 Lance internal with #2ga fine strand welder wire (one for positive and one for negative) stainless wingnut screwed onto the two 3/8 brass bolt studs going thru the lower TC wall about an inch below the TC overhang and extending out about 1-1/2", For clarification: The 3/8 brass bolt has a brass washer on either side and a brass nut outside to squeeze caulk sealing and secure so no leaks. The roughly 1" of the threads sticking out is where the + & - heavy wire leads from the 3 batteries connect to with the wingnuts.
Before lowering the TC down the final maybe 4", I connect all 3 batteries together with the wing nuts on the brass studs. Reverse the process when taking the TC off.
So far with this TC I have just put the extra batteries I had laying around into the wheel wells..I exchanged the g-24 that came in the TC when I got it with a new group 27 and put the group 24 in the front left wheel well that has my pluggin for the TC...Not much room in that WW with the pluggin..
I took another group 27 I had in the garage and put in the larger right side WW..To date I have not connected the three in any way just using the smaller G-24 for the C-Pap and the larger Group 27 for the TV and anything else used by the dinette..I check them all with a portable plugin that gives amps used/left and temp..Kinda redneck but it works..
I also have a great auto charger I use with the little Honda to top off when necessary when were running it in the evenings...
For this year I was thinking about trying the 6-volt batteries everyone raves about putting two in the largest wheel well..I have never used 6-volts before but everyone says the the cats meow...Have not made up my mind 100% yet but I need to finish up something before I put the TC back on..
Hence the reason for this thread for idea's like travelnutz gave..Thanks again..