The 3.7 kWh claim seems a bit high. 3700watts/12volts = 308 amps, so such an output would require slightly over two 150 alternators run at maximum. What is the amp rating on the Ford alternators?
It is possible to run ordinary automotive alternators at a higher voltage, say regulated at 24v, and then 3700w/24v = about 154 amps, or 75 amps per alternator which seems closer to reasonable if they are 80 amp units, and can stand full output for extended periods. It would be a bit tricky to charge at 24v and draw at 12v off the same battery system, though.
Through some simple hardware store wiring, a disconnected-from-12v-system alternator will also casually run up to 110vdc and drive any ac/dc brush type tool motor (drill, circular saw etc.) or 110v filament (bulb, heater). Therefore a small 40 amp alternator can put out 110v x 40 amps = 4400 watts (4.4 kWh). I don't think they are designed for a 100% duty cycle at full output though.
Temporarily bypassing the voltage regulator was a Ford shop test back in the sixties. A healthy 40 amp alternator would peg its ammeter at said 40 amps, at high idle, all juice dumped into a good automotive starting battery for a short time.