Forum Discussion

Bobcloughjr's avatar
May 09, 2017

Dutchmen Kodiak and Aerolite

I am considering the Aerolite 204es or the Kodiak 206es because they have the same flor plan as the Jayco x23b but with a larger shower.

What kind of construction quality and reliability do these Dutchmen trailers have?
Or should I go with the Jayco x23b and just deal with a tiny shower?
  • I must say we bought a used 2004 C236 Cub by Aerolite. We have had it for 7 years and we have no problems with it at and enjoy it. Great floor plan.
    Ours do not have the Thermarest tent ends.
  • Dutchmen has a poor rep for their hybrids.

    At one time, their Kodiak/Aerolite hybrids were the most cutting edge hybrids on the market, with many different floorplans.
    Then along came their Thermarest tent ends and futon mattresses.

    They turned out to be disastrous for the company, which resulted in Dutchmen slashing their number of floorplans and being more conservative in hybrid design.

    Because of all the Thermarest warranty claims, Dutchmen's customer service got a poor reputation.

    Their hybrid lines have never recovered since and their sales plummeted.
    At one time, they were up there with the Roo/Shamrock and Jayco hybrids but not anymore.