Grit dog wrote:
Tal/IL wrote:
I'm always curious when the wheelbase issue comes up. What length wheelbase does he need?
I've towed boats and equipment trailers all over creation with a '75 Ford Bronco with a 92 inch wheelbase and never had an issue. Plus, it makes backing into narrow ramps and tight spots much easier.
Yeah, I swear one of these days I'm gonna block the rear springs in my CJ5 and drop the toyhauler on the back hitch for a photo op.
Then photoshop that pic into a mountain road scene and absolutely freak out half the rvnet membership!
Yeah. Don't do it. It doesn't end well.
A friend of mine did that as an elaborate April Fool joke in Toy Haulers about fifteen years ago with pictures of his toy hauler behind his Mercedes ML.
It used to be a pretty tightly knit group, but about half the members were in on the gag and the other half took the bait. He built it up for about a week and then posted his crescendo on 4/1.
People's heads exploded when he posted his doctored pics of the crash site.
He finally came clean and admitted that it was just a gag. The folks who swallowed his lure were furious and took it out on him (and everyone who knew about it) pretty hard. He left the forum after that, along with most of the guys who were in on the stunt.
There aren't many old timers left in the Toy Hauler forum anymore, and that might be part of the reason.
I happened to be out of the country at the time and missed most of the drama. Things were unrecognizable when I got back.
I have to hand it to the guy though, his pics looked pretty believable (except he left some telltale shadows to tip people off) and he really committed to the stunt and timed it perfectly to hit its climax on 4/1. He regretted the fallout though.
Who knew that RV.NET members could be so sensitive, right?