Line your own pockets not someone else's.
For each individual product , you have to ask .
" What are the frequency of breakdowns in combination with the expense required to repair/replace what you want to insure".
EW's are service contract insurance policies that are full of fine print "we don't cover that" disclosures.
People here have good advice and some have their own formula of calculating the expense of an EW best suited for them.
It goes by group percentages or (profit margins from specific covered items) not individual statistics.
I took a financial investment course where the professor used the phrase "For every single person that did benefit from an EW there are 100 that didn't.
The companies that offer them are the financial winners and the people buying them are the financial losers ! That's why they are in business" .
Try this: Assuming you have the money to make the EW purchase. Pay it to yourself . Set up your own EWA and draw from it ever have to.
With compounded interest and rolling over on the EWA (extended warranty account) investment , you will be able to buy yourself a brand new toy someday with your own EWA money that you would have paid to unknown salesmen that are buying new toys for themselves.
It works,,,,you will gain money and have a cash flow for yourself.