Aug-29-2016 03:39 AM
Nov-03-2016 12:10 PM
nycsteve wrote:
Lantley ; " can see while you would wait but it really sounds like the system is flawed. Either the toll taker is undercharging or EZ pass is over charging. I would prefer that the system/employees work correctly vs. me gaming the system by hiding the transponder.
I don't want to be over charged and I don't want to wait in line in order to cheat. I want the system to be fair and accurate regardless of how I pay "
In my case using the EZPass resulted in a 50 dollar overcharge at one toll. If I were to hide my pass and wait at a manned toll to pay it wouldn't be to cheat , but to not be cheated. Whether its a situation that shouldn't be in the first place doesn't matter. The process to correct the overcharge is long ,time consuming and not fun, I would rather avoid it in the first place with a small investment of time and wait for a face to face exchange where I can request a correction on the spot.
Nov-03-2016 04:32 AM
Nov-02-2016 08:11 PM
Lantley wrote:temccarthy1 wrote:
The secret to not getting gouged if you are pulling a TT or 5 th wheel on a toll bridge is to SIT on your EZ pass so it doesn't go off and just pay at the cash booth. It will be double your car, but not 6 times! I learned this from a NJ/PA bridge toll collector this fall . He told me if it picks up your EZ pass electronically, it will charge as if you are a commercial tractor trailer rig with 4 axles. I tried this and it works! If the toll is $1 , I paid $2 by paying cash. If I had let my pass activate, it would be $12, 6 times the cost of just the TV. Check it out!
What's the point of having an E-Z pass if you are going to sit in the cash line anyway?To Save $10.00?
While I don't want to be randomly overcharged.I want the convenience of the E-Z pass
Nov-02-2016 05:27 PM
nycsteve wrote:Lantley wrote:temccarthy1 wrote:
The secret to not getting gouged if you are pulling a TT or 5 th wheel on a toll bridge is to SIT on your EZ pass so it doesn't go off and just pay at the cash booth. It will be double your car, but not 6 times! I learned this from a NJ/PA bridge toll collector this fall . He told me if it picks up your EZ pass electronically, it will charge as if you are a commercial tractor trailer rig with 4 axles. I tried this and it works! If the toll is $1 , I paid $2 by paying cash. If I had let my pass activate, it would be $12, 6 times the cost of just the TV. Check it out!
What's the point of having an E-Z pass if you are going to sit in the cash line anyway?To Save $10.00?
While I don't want to be randomly overcharged.I want the convenience of the E-Z pass
I can see while you would wait but it really sounds like the system is flawed. Either the toll taker is undercharging or EZ pass is over charging. I would prefer that the system/employees work correctly vs. me gaming the system by hiding the transponder.
I don't want to be over charged and I don't want to wait in line in order to cheat. I want the system to be fair and accurate regardless of how I pay
In my case 50 dollars. Enough to wait?
Nov-02-2016 03:23 PM
Lantley wrote:temccarthy1 wrote:
The secret to not getting gouged if you are pulling a TT or 5 th wheel on a toll bridge is to SIT on your EZ pass so it doesn't go off and just pay at the cash booth. It will be double your car, but not 6 times! I learned this from a NJ/PA bridge toll collector this fall . He told me if it picks up your EZ pass electronically, it will charge as if you are a commercial tractor trailer rig with 4 axles. I tried this and it works! If the toll is $1 , I paid $2 by paying cash. If I had let my pass activate, it would be $12, 6 times the cost of just the TV. Check it out!
What's the point of having an E-Z pass if you are going to sit in the cash line anyway?To Save $10.00?
While I don't want to be randomly overcharged.I want the convenience of the E-Z pass
Nov-02-2016 05:48 AM
Nov-02-2016 04:08 AM
temccarthy1 wrote:
The secret to not getting gouged if you are pulling a TT or 5 th wheel on a toll bridge is to SIT on your EZ pass so it doesn't go off and just pay at the cash booth. It will be double your car, but not 6 times! I learned this from a NJ/PA bridge toll collector this fall . He told me if it picks up your EZ pass electronically, it will charge as if you are a commercial tractor trailer rig with 4 axles. I tried this and it works! If the toll is $1 , I paid $2 by paying cash. If I had let my pass activate, it would be $12, 6 times the cost of just the TV. Check it out!
Nov-02-2016 04:05 AM
ADK Camper wrote:
I haven't towed my camper in Florida yet, but I had a nasty surprise when I flew to Tampa last winter and drove to Venice Beach in a rental car. I declined a sunpass from the rental company because I planned on a limited amount of driving primarily on local roads. I figured I'd just pay cash if I did encounter any tolls. But I didn't realize (nor did the rental agency bother to inform me) that there is no cash option on Florida's toll roads. Tolls are seamlessly collected electronically. A motorist won't even realize he has passed a collection point. Incurring a toll without a sunpass includes a much higher cost which is billed to the cars registered owner. In my case that was the rental agency who helpfully paid the charge and then billed it to me after adding their own charge. The moral of this story is "don't drive anywhere in Florida without a sunpass."
Nov-02-2016 03:24 AM
Nov-01-2016 10:10 PM
moresmoke wrote:
If their sensor setups are working right it can tell the difference. Crossed the Tappan Zee this summer, not realizing there is an eastbound toll now. Got a bill in the mail for the right fare.
Some places, like the tri-state toll way around Chicago, I would pay extra to not go through the cash lanes. I love the folks that have to dig through the car to find enough change.
Nov-01-2016 06:49 PM
All I could afford wrote:
Temccarthy1... That's true crossing between nj and PA, as I learned myself on he way to Hershey, but NYC crossings don't differentiate between commercial and private once you go over a two axle car. Cash would cost you even more in this case. A Honda civic pulling a tiny single axle Jet Ski trailer pays the same as a 3 axle truck.
Nov-01-2016 05:47 PM
Nov-01-2016 05:36 PM
temccarthy1 wrote:
The secret to not getting gouged if you are pulling a TT or 5 th wheel on a toll bridge is to SIT on your EZ pass so it doesn't go off and just pay at the cash booth. It will be double your car, but not 6 times! I learned this from a NJ/PA bridge toll collector this fall . He told me if it picks up your EZ pass electronically, it will charge as if you are a commercial tractor trailer rig with 4 axles. I tried this and it works! If the toll is $1 , I paid $2 by paying cash. If I had let my pass activate, it would be $12, 6 times the cost of just the TV. Check it out!
Nov-01-2016 05:05 PM