transferred wrote:
The Euro Chassis Cabs compete more with say the 5500-series trucks, do they not? With 19.5K GVWRs but a pickup cab, height and footprint (depending on frame length chosen).
I know some of the pickups available in the UK like the Hilux and L200 have useful 2,500lb payloads and fuel efficient 4-cyl diesels. The main advantage to the American pickups is in towing, where the engines since 2000 have offered tremendous power. Braking and frames are also evolving and with single rear wheel conventional pickups being able to seat 6, easy to park yet handle pin weights of more than 4,000lbs. That kind of payload is also handy for landscaping duties etc too, with or without use of a trailer.
For the OP, one word of warning re the new F150 regular cabs is their crash safety, though Ford may have re-added the structures that are present in the crew cabs. I hope so anyway. No doubt the HD payload package sounds like a must have option, strange they seem so hard to find on lots. As others said, likely due to a lack of education re these kinds of vehicles.
Basically they do compete with the F550 etc. want any bigger than that, then get a Truck here, Lorry in the UK. They are used in vast numbers in Europe, IVECO Daily has a GAWR greater than a F450., Payload up to 10,000lb
The " 1 Tonne Pickups" have a considerable Off Road ability, not part of the US Pickups normal inventory. One reason they are used on smaller European farms, they can easily go Off Road and carry a sizeable load. Still you are going to see, many Cab Chassis Vans and " Lorries" depending on need on the Farms. Pickups used as personal transport, and a load carrier on a Farm . Pickups are mainly used as light work vehicles, mainly on Farms, (only 60,000 sold in Europe last year) , not as personal transport, one reason so few sold in Europe, Generally . Cars and increasingly SUV's are the personal vehicles of choice.