Ed_Gee wrote:
work2much wrote:
. An 80 watt panel getting 6 hours of sun should make 30 amps or so of power a day. The vampire draw is probably in the 24 amp/day range or less..
No way an 80 Watt panel will provide 30Ah in a six hour sun day.....even under ideal conditions. Between clouds, sun angle, etc. he will be lucky to get 10 or 12 Ah......which a measly 1 Ah vampire draw will exceed over night.....and I would bet his vampire draw exceeds that. Yes, 160 Watts would probably be minimum he needs.
Ideal conditions do not include clouds or obscure angles. This would be the prime 6 hours a day with sun fully on the panel, no shading, no clouds, in the south when the sun is high on cool day. In those conditions an 80 watt panel 80w/13v = 6.15 amp. 6.15x6 = 37 amps. My figure was 15% less than what should be an absolute max. I have never seen absolute max but I have seen over 1000 watts on our 1080 watt system under good conditions or over 90% of rated panel rating.
If your 80 watt panel is only producing 10-12 amps in 6 hours on a sunny day with good exposure you have an issue with something in your system. That is terrible production.
Also I noticed you left this part out of my quote which qualified the section you clipped. My message was that while an 80 watt panel could keep top under the right conditions, those conditions don't always exist nor should be relied on.
"80 watt may not be enough to keep your battery charged against vampire draws like the detector. The vampire draw is probably in the 24 amp/day range or less. Not always good sun though. I wouldn't want to rely on that in case of a couple cloudy days"