Forum Discussion

RWDIII's avatar
Oct 19, 2016

filling propane tanks in camper?

A recent article in Mellow Mikes blog told about a bad problem that occurred while filling propane without removing them from a truck camper.I have always removed the tank.
is this happening a lot?
I think it is dangerous and the propane dealer should know better.I am not talking about the special horiz tanks but the standard 20lb tank.
  • When DW takes the tanks to get filled, they fill them in place. When I take them, I take them out. They are on a slide out tray, so I don't know how safe that is.
  • The blog post is related to this thread, which was posted a few weeks ago: Near Disaster Propane Refuel Experience

    Lots of good discussion in the original thread.

    My tanks can't be filled in the camper due to the way they are situated. The valve opening faces the back of the propane cabinet.
    That's the way they are in probably all AF campers, probably Wolf Creek too.
  • Where I refill mine, they have the tank on a scale so that they can see the amount of propane by weight as well as by their gauge.

    When the refill hose is disconnected, some propane escapes into the air- who would want that in their TC's propane tank enclosure anyway?
  • Removable LP cylinders are supposed to be removed for filling.

    Horizontal, removable cylinders are only supposed to be filled in the vertical position.

    The only LP tanks that should be filed without removing them from the RV are the permanently mounted type.

  • Yah, I was kinda wondering about that too...

    I figured it was a different config on the location of tanks...
    I have 2 30# tanks and take them out when refilled just for that reason. Also, it would be a lot harder to fill if left in space.

    As a Newbie, I didn't realize the danger of the pilot lights, Refrig and heater if in colder weather... so Now plan on parking away from main tank and carry over bottles...

    Only takes one little spark to ruin the whole day...
