Aug 23, 2013Explorer
First Look
So I drove about 75 miles from home to look at my first truck camper. After much online review I like the weight, amenities and pricing of the Travel Lite 890/840 sbrx. This dealer had a limited inven...
travelnutz wrote:
Well, just because Travel Lite TC's are at about entry level in truck campers doesn't mean they should be so poorly sealed on any they had built. We had looked at some new Travel Lites locally and were much less then pleased with what we'd seen. There's a reason they are cheaper! I just researched the 890 series and the holding tanks are beyond any common sense for capacities. Barely large enough for a one overnight stay for 2 people at best. Yes, they are light in weight but does that also reflect in the minimal build quality and materials used that are needed for a long TC service life? Sure makes me skeptical as we have learned over the last nearly 50 years!
We'd learned by having had 8 TC's since 1965 and extensively traveled with them to every U.S. state including multiple trips to Alaska and all but 3 Provinces of Canada and seen the very disappointing effects of poor quality/light builds until we began purchasing the much higher quality TC's! Large enough holding tanks and having them enclosed and heated along with adequate TC insulation and sealing against water and both hot and cold temps is priceless and also extends your TC usable season tremendously. How do you put a price on being truely comfortable in any weather?
Magically, the problems with leaks and structure etc issues actually disappeared when we upgraded to the better quality well sealed TC's! You'll only get what you pay for and not a bit more!
Perhaps we all look for different uses and resale value in the RV we purchase. One thing that is a real clue is to look at some used ones from the same various manufacturers that are 3, 5, 7, or 10 etc years old and compare prices and conditions seen as what you buy will become older each year too. Depreciation and failing structure etc is an ugly thing but it's a real and gives you an indepth clue!