Beadboard (usually white, with little beads bound together) is EPS. Extruded polystyrene (blue, pink, etc) is XPS.
You need to do some serious research into using either EPS or XPS as a SIP (in this case, the structure is the wall/camper shell). There are very specific adhesives you can apply (with a paint roller, mop, or, via spray gun) to bond the EPS or XPS...some of the adhesives go on quite thick, and can bridge "bowing" in camper structure shells, but, if you press (roll the SIP assembly with the glue sandwich) or vacuum-bond the structural panel, the adhesive will ooze out along the wall's edge. Some of the adhesive used in making Our Outfitter Mfg XPS-to-FRP structural walls oozed out during the vacuum bonding stage, and dried a 1/4 inch thick (probably much thicker than a silicon bead!).
Good luck.
On the edit: i changed the word "bowling" to "bowing".