Forum Discussion

Buzzcut1's avatar
Nomad II
Aug 28, 2015

Follow up: Talons and Diesel Regen temps

Response from Torklift to my concern about the talons being so close to my exhaust during Diesel Particulate filter regen mode

"Thank you for passing along your observation and concerns. I touched base with our customer service department about the concern you had with the Talon being so close to your exhaust. They assured me that the temperature from the exhaust will not reach the aging temperature of the aluminum material of the Talon and would not expect to see any effects over the short or long term that would impact the structural integrity or effect the products Lifetime warranty."

photo I attached

  • no inspection of Pickups in Ca, CHP weigh stations have signs stating " no pick ups" so tow on by.

    but if you live here and your truck is registered here and is more than 5 years old it must pass smog inspection every two years and has to have all oem smog gear intact and in working order
  • AISURFFISH wrote:
    Just delete that regeneration like I

    Me too lol. I am glad I did. The truck runs very nice now. Only problem is pulling through California, can anyone confirm or deny this?
  • Farmerjon wrote:
    DrtEMaxChvy wrote:
    Are you guys seeing the emissions issues that those of us in the 3/4 to 1-ton range are?

    ?? what are you referring to.

    Disregard. I was under the impression you were rocking a class A. Regeneration process etc shouldn't beat that up to bad on the F series pick up. It was the 2008-2010 models that were melting cars parked next to them.
  • I'm not saying it is structural, but it for sure has a lasting effect on my decal. :)
  • DrtEMaxChvy wrote:
    Are you guys seeing the emissions issues that those of us in the 3/4 to 1-ton range are?

    ?? what are you referring to.
  • Are you guys seeing the emissions issues that those of us in the 3/4 to 1-ton range are?