We went from a 34 ft. 5ver bunkhouse to a PUP with 2 king beds, a couch and a dinette. We lasted 3 trips, then traded for a TT. We couldn't deal with setting up/breaking down in the rain (happened.every.time.), then having to set back up when we got home to unload and waiting for the canvas dry out. We also had to modify the tent ends with Pop Up Gizmos to protect us from the searing GA/FL summer heat, and put reflexix in the screened bed sides to darken the sleeping areas and add more insulation. Not having a bathroom was an adjustment we had a hard time getting used to, but that was minor.
We now have an Aliner, which is much more user friendly, although smaller inside. We can set it up/take it down in 1 minute. We spend more time outdoors, which is the purpose of going camping, IMO. We have the no bathroom issue again, but picking sites near the bath house and having a porta potty for night time emergencies helps.
Would I like to still have a TT with a bathroom and more room? Yes, but the convenience and reduced fuel/vehicle cost of the pulling the Aliner has us holding off on going back to a TT, at least for now. Plus, I can park the Aliner in my garage, saving us a storage fee (I live in an HOA neighborhood).