'tiredTeacher wrote:
One more thought. It is more difficult to PULL air across those coils than it is to BLOW the air. On my Pop up, I put the fan under the coil and blew the air up and out, drawing from the lower vent.
So, your recommendation was stuck in my mind while I was at work today, so the moment I got home and got dinner finished I took it upon myself to try this approach. I had to remove all of my directional chutes and one side of the aluminum L-bar, but I was able to get all 4 fans directly below the evap fins, pointing up. I then fashioned a (temp) upper baffle out of cardboard and duct tape to eliminate the dead space above the food compartment and direct the air out of the entire upper vent cavity.
'tiredTeacher wrote:
I also added a baffle to separate the lower compartment from the upper.
Curious - could you elaborate more on this? Is it possible for you to take a photo of your setup and post it here? I'm not sure what you mean by separating the lower and upper compartment.
All that said, in a very strange turn of events, this July in lower Michigan has turned out to be unusually cold - as it's currently 64F outside at 9PM and is going to drop to the mid-50's tonight (it's normally mid 80's to lower 90's in this area and mid 70's at night). So I'm not going to be able to get an accurate feel of how this temporary mod works until it heats up again (projecting low 80's again by the weekend).
This is unfortunate, as we are leaving Monday to go for a weeklong camping trip in Ohio and I wanted to have my temporary mod settled into a permanent mod before the trip. :s Guess I'll have to test this setup "in the field"! :D
Here's new pics of what I did:

I'm almost embarrassed about the cardboard baffle, but it's really just a test run to see if it works. That said, I can't run this off of propane until I wrap at least part of it. The burner stack is just too close for my comfort.