Kayteg1 wrote:
HadEnough wrote:
It’s definitely regrettable. How come you didn’t figure it out 4 years ago? Ha ha.
At the time I was doing finishing touches to the house I build in California, so sorry I wasn't here.
We do have more folks who know the stuff beside whining, but looks like they were busy at the time as well and if I read the 1st thread correctly- you were looking for a lawyer in it.
Sorry it went the way it did.
That thread about the speed bump?
If this was more expensive, I should have used a lawyer against the city.
The speed bump/table was freshly laid and completely invisible. Unmarked.
Ok for a car to hit, but very bad for a TC to hit. Just the wrong fundamental frequency the suspension and it sent everything airborne. That’s definitely something to get a lawyer involved in. However, not worth it because the damage wasn’t expensive enough to warrant it.
I was completely out of control from the residual bouncing after hitting it too. It could have easily killed people. It’s an extremely dense, urban area with kids running all around. You have to be on high alert there. You spend most of your time watching sidewalks for children and people darting out from behind the parked cars that line both sides of the narrow, one way streets. Much more difficult than driving in Manhattan in nyc. If anyone has ever driven to Liberty Harbor RV park, they know what I’m talking about.
You actually don’t have anything like it where you’re from. You may think downtown LA is like it, but no. It’s not at all. You have huge, wide open lanes everywhere out west. Either that, or little quaint places with much lower population and most everyone driving. . All easy driving. Nothing compares to this dense, urban compact with roads that grew up from unplanned dirt paths crisscrossing each other every 100 or 200 feet . Where that speed bump is, it’s just as many pedestrians as cars and many of them are children running around the ghetto. Most roads are one way lanes you can barely squeeze a TC down without swiping the parked cars lining both sides. The people are going 30 mph or so down these roads and you are in a large line of vehicles doing 30 trying to watch the sidewalks for people potentially darting out from between the parked cars. You do NOT have right of way over the pedestrians.
So I can understand if people out west simply dint get it. You’ve never been in it if you haven’t driven there.