Have a 2017 Chevy 3500HD dually with 6.0 gas engine. Get 10 mpg towing a 5000# boat on secondary roads (60-70 mph). Get about 14.5 on same roads with no load. Get above 70 mph and it goes down considerably. Did get 18.5 on a stretch of interstate where speed limit was 60 mph in a construction area.
I figure with diesel about 40-50 cents a gallon more than regular gas around here, mileage is about a wash compared to diesel. I had a 2003 GMC Duramax dually and loved it but with labor cost so high now the maintenance costs were killing me. At about 12-14 years seals, gaskets, etc. start to leak. Was costing $600-$1000 to have a $150 part replaced.