What is the output of the trickle charger? Are the batteries connected to the trailer with the trickle charger hooked up to maintain them? There is a possibility that the parasitic drag is eating up the trickle too the point that it isn't helping the batteries. Even if you take them out, the batteries should get a good charge before a trip. I put ours on a auto charger a day a month and again for 3 days before a trip. After a trip they are taken back out and charged for a few days.
Your batteries and charging might be just fine. Two RV batteries could be two grp 24 with a useable 75 ah total before they get to 12v or 50%. After that they can drop like a rock and become damaged. Depending on your converter, running the generator to recharge them will recover them to a point but fully charged would take a long time. So now you have less than 75 ah to work with.
Barring bad batteries, I'd say you need more battery, bigger batteries or both. You also need to look at the other loads such as lights, TV or other electronics, what ever buttons you push that use even a little power. Somethings can be changed to low power types and save on the battery. Replacing your incandescent bulbs with inexpensive LEDs is one such way. I can light up my trailer end to end for what a few fixtures used before.
So get the batteries checked for damage. Make sure they are fully charged. Make sure they are big enough to do the job and conserve where you can without sacrifice. It's fun to play in the woods without cords, you just have to make sure your rig is set up to do it.