In general, no, gasoline or even stronger solvents like lacquer thinner, brake or carb cleaner or acetone will not damage fully cured urethane clear coats.
I'll routinely use gas or one of the above to remove road tar, decal or trim glue/residue on paint, clear,and gel coat. I wouldn't use anything stronger like xylene or Mek.
Watch out on powder coat though like aluminum camper or trailer skins. They don't like solvents as much.
That said I don't think it's a very effective bug cleaner. You don't want something that evaporates so fast, you want to get the bug guts softened by wetting and or cleaning agent. And you want the least amount of scrubbing possible or you're just scratching the clear coat more.
Doing it in the shade helps. I usually use spray windshield cleaner with ammonia on the camper front, boat tower or other bug splattered areas. But really any foaming cleaner or something that will penetrate and soak is what you're looking for IMO.
Bug n tar is fine. I don't prefer the residue left over but it works well and you gotta wash off the bug n tar afterwards.