Eric&Lisa wrote:
SidecarFlip wrote:
Unloading the TC with a flat on the rear on the side of the freeway sounds like a bad dream in the making.
Did that, done that. I-405 southbound in Renton, WA, exit 3, in the 'V' between three lanes of traffic and the exit ramp. The overhang of the camper blocks access to the hole for the handle. Jacks down, tie-downs unhooked, and I lifted the camper enough to get access. Yeah, this is in the 'not fun' category.
Not to get too far off topic, but to add a bit to the story.... The previous owner of my truck put on aftermarket wheels. I always used a breaker bar / extension / socket / torque wrench to remove / install them. When I had the flat, I discovered the lug nuts were a different size from the stock emergency wrench. No problem, "Two is one, and one is none", I have a spare wrench...that promptly broke in my hands. Had to call a tow truck. $196 minimum service fee per highway patrol rules on the freeway...for them to show up and hand me their wrench to use.
The lesson: Check your emergency kit to make sure it actually works!