I thought about making a bunch of mods or mounting spare up front or whatever. Then realized that the potential hour it would take to unload and re load the camper, if needed, was far less time spent than modifying the truck for the potential of a flat.
I could weasel the spare crank in there though if the tailgate is off, but when we leave the tailgate on with the camper it blocks the access for the spare crank.
I suppose there could be a situation where unloading the camper is not possible if you get a flat, but it’s far more probable the camper can be unloaded.
Also, if I got a back tire flat out in the boonies, I’d likely have to change 2 tires anyway because my spare is smaller and not as heavy rated as the truck tires. So again off comes the camper to make that situation less complicated.
Another option for those that are intent on making the spare accessible, is to rig up an old school spare tire holder that has the bracket and threaded rod deal. Not as slick, but an option.